Sign up for the NorthBEAT Youth Advisory Group!
NorthBEAT is in search of Youth Advisory Group members to help offer suggestions and insights on ways to improve access to mental health services in Northwestern Ontario. Advisory Group members will be invited to participate in monthly/bimonthly meetings, about 1 hour per month, and will receive an honorarium of $20 per meeting.
NorthBEAT is a strategic systems collaborative that will make it easier for youth with psychosis to get the help they need, when and where they need them. The Collaborative is made up of service providers from a variety of sectors, including but not limited to: mental health, health care, police and first-responders, education, child and youth services, social and community services. Since the Collaborative’s primary focus is on the youth of Northwestern Ontario, it is vital for a Youth Advisory Group to be a part of the Collaborative.
The NorthBEAT Collaborative is funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation Youth Opportunities Fund and sponsored by the Centre for Applied Health Research at St. Joseph’s Care Group.
The NorthBEAT Collaborative is funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation Youth Opportunities Fund and sponsored by the Centre for Applied Health Research at St. Joseph’s Care Group.
The best way to understand and realize what youth need is for us to hear it from the youth. Youth will play a key role in idetifying and bringing awareness to current issues and barriers regarding mental health within the community.
Who can apply?
- Lived experience of mental health issues
- Friends or family with lived experience
- Anyone who would like to make a difference
- Age range: 12-25
- Resident of Northwestern Ontario
Bonus: sign up by June 30 and you could win 1 of 2 $25 visa gift cards!