
Episode 1 - Help Yourself
In our first episode, Psychology professor from Lakehead University, Dr. Aislin Mushquash joins us as we explore strategies to improve mental health.
Through our discussion, we come to understand that mental health is not just something which needs attention among people with diagnoses, but something we can all work on in ourselves as a part of daily steps towards wellness.
Episode 2 - Get Help
Our second episode acknowledges that sometimes self-help is not enough.
Dan Ventrudo and Tia Scocchia from Sister Margaret Smith Centre in Thunder Bay walk us through how youth can reach out to professional help and what getting that help looks like. They share stories of success and difficulty, reminding all our listeners that mental health is not something you have to deal with alone
Episode 3 - Help Someone Else
What do you say when you see someone you care about have mental health issues? It is a hard question to answer, one which can at times feel like there is no right answer.
Ruth Mills from Children’s Center takes on this question in our third episode. She shares with us a passionate energy and strategies on how we can be a rock for someone in hard times
Episode 4 – Lived Experience
The story of mental health is not just one told by professionals, the voice of those facing these challenges also needs to be heard, so for our fourth episode, we have teamed up with Jack.org to explore the lived experience side of the mental health story.
Here we chat with two youth Jack.org speakers Jessica and Gwen, who tell us their stories of how they struggled, triumphed, and became advocates in their communities.